Wei Hoong
Wei Hoong has been dancing for 8 years & has a reputation for the styles 'House' & 'Locking'. Inspired by other local talents from the community, he took the chance to sharpen his skills & has gained popularity within the industry. As a young & aspiring dancer, Wei Hoong treats dance as a way to express & to cope with life.
Wei Hoong has won numerous titles along his journey, namely 'Genesis Street Style 2019' & 'Citta Battle Open Style 2021'. His journey has begun & do expect a lot more from him in the scene.
- Favourite Food: Sweet Potato Leaves
- Go-to track: 'Brighter Days - Underground Mix '93' by Camera ft. Dajae
- Go-to Quote: Live in the moment
![Wei Hoong](https://ltemcdhlbmjtrbhyduje.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/instructors-photo/undefinedwei-hoong-3-74mu48fc4om-mda.jpg)